What is the outcome? #
This system shows you how to create a favicon (or site icon) to show at the top of the browser, app icon, icon for Google searches etc. This ensures the site looks professional and keeps customers happy.
Before you start #
In order to carry out this task successfully you must have the following completed:
- Website set up
- Elementor set up
Process #
Create The Favicon #
- Open up photoshop and create a new document
- Image needs to be a square image atleast 512 x 512 pixels
- Open up their logo and grab any main features that will be good for the favicon, any main subject from their logo etc.
- Paste it into the photoshop document and make sure it fits in the entire box
- Make sure the background is transparent if you can
- Once finished, export as a PNG file
Upload The Favicon #
- Go to the backend/dashboard of their website
- On the left hand column go to Appearance > Customize
- Then click Site Identity
- You can upload the favicon in the Site Icon section
- Image needs to be a square image atleast 512 x 512 pixels
- Once uploaded, click publish